tuna_fish's blog

Yo! Thanks for stumbling into my blog. People call me Luna. I'm just a girl trying to make it in life, aye?


Mom was telling to me about how she can't believe the parent's of my little sister's friend would let her go so far away from their house to the point where they can't see her from the house anymore. I had no choice but to listen to all this.

She told me that a few years ago someone was going around the neighborhoods in Ohio (I'm guessing Toledo because everyone says its not a very safe place) kidnapping little kids right off the side walks or from gas stations when parents leave their kids in the car while they go inside to pay. Its scary to think about. Like I'm 17 and sometimes when I'm on my own, walking around or riding my bike, I think "what is someone drives by and snags me?" and thats when I start freaking out because theres not that many people around where I live so it wouldn't be too hard for someone to do that and not get noticed right away.

But my street in general is pretty safe. Its a circle drive where theres a lot of farms around so we don't get that much traffic to begin with. I say about 90%- no more, maybe 95% of the traffic on my street is from people who live on the street. I could probably sleep on my front lawn and nothing would happen. Especially at night since theres only 2 street lamps here and not much light pollution. Uhm, not that I would do it but just sayin'...

Anyway, I've gone farther on my own in a city with tons more people and I've never been approched and nothing has ever happened to me so I don't worry about it thats much ha ha